BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, APRIL 9TH, 2017 (PRESS SEC) — A little more than two years after being sworn in as the third Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris continues to ride high in the polls. A majority of Kittitians and Nevisians surveyed in a Don Anderson poll last month expressed approval of Prime Minister Harris’ job performance, particularly his handling of the economy.
Not only that, the Don Anderson poll found that if an election were to be held now, Prime Minister Harris and his Government of National Unity would be re-elected to serve for another five-year term in St. Kitts and Nevis. The privately commissioned poll was conducted among 506 registered voters in all 11 of the constituencies in the Federation.
“We asked about the leadership of the Team Unity Government and we asked specifically about how the Prime Minister was managing the whole affairs of the government,” Mr. Don Anderson said yesterday, Saturday, April 8th, 2017.
The prominent pollster from Jamaica, who established his highly reputable firm Market Research Services Limited in 1975, continued: “Over 60 percent of the persons that we interviewed felt positive about the leadership or gave him a good passing grade.”
Mr. Don Anderson went on to say: “A significant number – at least one-third of all persons interviewed – felt that he was in fact doing a very good job. Overall, therefore, there is some level of satisfaction with the way in which Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris is actually leading the government of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.”
The Don Anderson poll also found that, “Between Dr. Harris and all the other members of the Team Unity, they total over 50 percent…More than 50 percent of the persons [who were surveyed] saw the Team Unity leadership as being the group to lead the country and the Federal Government at this time,” the veteran pollster said yesterday.
Mr. Anderson noted that, “We asked them specifically about the economy because, obviously, this is the hub of how people measure progress…So we asked people, ‘Tell us about the economy. Is the economy better now, [was it better for the] last two years, or is it worse?’ and, again, the majority felt the economy had either grown, was better, or was no worse than it was in 2015, before 2015. So, again, the conclusion from that set of data is that people are generally of the view that the economy is heading in the right direction.”
Notably, Mr. Don Anderson, Executive Chairman of Market Research Services Limited, correctly predicted the outcome of the last general election in St. Kitts and Nevis based on polling data.