(St. Christopher National Trust) St. Kitts and Nevis – August 15, 2017: Betto Douglas was a woman who was enslaved in St. Kitts by the Earl of Romney. In the 1820s at the age 52, she attempted through a court challenge, to obtain her freedom.
Betto’s story will be presented at this weekend’s Dasani-Harper’s Heritage House Children’s Storytelling Series by the new Director of Government House Mrs. Charisse Gumbs. Mrs. Gumbs has graciously accepted the Trust’s invitation to share Betto Douglas’ tale on behalf of His Excellency the Governor General, who is recovering from a minor illness.
The Governor General Sir Tapley Seaton – the patron of the National Trust – sang Mrs. Gumbs’ praises as a former educator, when he recommended her to fill in for him.
“She’s the perfect choice.”
The Saturday morning Heritage House storytelling sessions are being held from 9:30 – 11:00 inside the National Museum, in a room that has been transformed into a fun, storytelling space. The series – designed for children aged 6-12 years old, runs until August 26th.
Last weekend, dolphins, tigers, monkey, turtles, sea princesses, litter bugs and Darth Vader all made appearances at the Heritage House Children’s Storytelling Series. They came out of the imaginations of the children, who worked in groups to create their own story.
Early Childhood Education Specialist Jaya Relwani and a team of volunteers guided the children through the creative process. The stories were presented though drama, dance and music.
Getting underway on July 8th, the Heritage House Children’s Storytelling Series so far has featured storytellers Schenidman Warner, Troy “Spuddy” Hendrickson, Jihan Williams, Dr. Kimberley Stewart, Tricia Greaux and Deputy Prime Minsiter Shawn Richards.
On the final Saturday (August 26th) composer, musician and storyteller Creighton Pencheon will tell the tale of Marcus of the Woods, an enslaved African who escaped captivity in the 19th century. He roamed the forests of St. Kitts with a band of men who had also escaped enslavement on the plantations.
Thanks to our partners Caribelle Batik, Caribbean Journey Masters, Caribbean Reads, the Department of Youth, Gary’s Fruits and Flowers, Social Security and a number of private patrons, we are able to offer the entire series free of cost.
Space for this weekend is limited, so interested persons must register by Friday at 5:00 pm. We regret that we will be unable to accept late registrations, so to avoid disappointment, please get in touch as soon as possible.
Contact the National Trust at: 465-5584 or admin@stchristophernationaltrust.kn