Basseterre, St. Kitts, September 23, 2016 (SKNIS): Residents and citizens are encouraged to tune in to ZIZ television on Friday, September 23, at 9:00 p.m., as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, the Honourable Shawn Richards, gives an overall report of the May/June 2016 Caribbean Examination Council results for St. Kitts and Nevis.
“It is with a sense of pride that I bring to you for the second time the much anticipated Minister of Education’s National report on the performance of students in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and the Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC), all offered by the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC),” said Minister Richards.
The official release of the regional results for all CXC examinations took place in Anguilla on Friday, August 12.
As noted in a press release on, Glenroy Cumberbatch, Registrar of CXC, presented the results and said that the official release of results demonstrated the Council’s accountability to the region, and also gave CXC the opportunity to interact closely with its stakeholders – educators, policymakers, principals, teachers, CXC resource persons, students and the media in the host country.
Candidates who wrote the May-June 2016 sitting of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) examinations were able to access their results online.