BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, SEPTEMBER 26TH, 2016 (PRESS SEC) – Addressing St. Kitts and Nevis citizens who live abroad, during a church service at Crawford United Methodist Church in the Bronx, New York, Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris said yesterday, Sunday, September 25th that patriotism should not be limited to September 19th, Independence Day.
Prime Minister Harris told the receptive congregation that had gathered to see and hear him speak at the special church service, held in commemoration of St. Kitts and Nevis’ 33rd Anniversary of Independence, that consistency in solidarity for our nation is critically important.
“Not just on one day, but every day, we must show that love, that patriotism, that willingness to lend a helping hand to further develop and advance our country because, if truth be told, the task of nation building has room for every one of us. The task of nation building allows us to say, irrespective of colour, class or creed, that there is room in the inn for you to help make St. Kitts and Nevis a success story,” the Honourable Prime Minister said to resounding applause.
Dr. Harris added: “So I thank you for coming out and for participating, not just in this church service, but in every other event that brings us together as a people. I marvel that what you are doing has Biblical undertones.” Prime Minister Harris then proceeded to quote from the Book of Psalms, Chapter 133. The Scripture passage notes how good and pleasant it is to work together in unity, and once this is done the unifying experience becomes a blessing that is like a religious anointing or unction.
Further applause rippled through the church when the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis said: “We have come here in unity for a country, which each of us must love, a country where regardless of where we are, what other nationality or citizenship we may attain, in our hearts of hearts and in our minds, we know St. Kitts and Nevis is home.”
The Kittitian American Benevolent Association (KABA) invited Prime Minister Harris to speak at the Independence Service, which “KABA has had the distinct privilege and honor to host for the past thirty-two (32) years,” the letter of invitation said.
“I want us to give a special round of applause to the organizers of this event, who year after year, without fail, ensure that our citizens, our friends and our well-wishers remember that there is a place called St. Christopher and Nevis,” Dr. Harris said at Sunday’s church service. “We thank all who have been involved in the forefront and in the background for lending support to the reality that a small country exists and this small country, like a child, is leading many other countries in those things that are good and wonderful,” the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis added.
On Saturday night, Prime Minister Harris and the St. Kitts-Nevis delegation to New York City were the special guests at the St. Kitts & Nevis 33rd Independence Gala presented by Organizations of the Diaspora. The gala was held at Scavello’s on the Island in the Bronx, New York.