Basseterre, St. Kitts, October 18, 2016 (SKNIS): The formal meeting of the
Cabinet took place on Monday, October 17, 2016. The meeting was chaired by Prime
Minister, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris.
1. In the government’s continuing efforts to encourage investment, Cabinet
approved a number of concessions to several small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs). Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are
important for their contribution to employment, innovation, economic growth
and diversity.
2. Cabinet discussed matters surrounding a delimitation agreement between St.
Kitts and Nevis and the Netherlands regarding Sint Eustatius. Sint Eustatius
is a tiny Dutch island in the West Indies. It is a special municipality of the
Netherlands. The island lies in the Northern Leeward Islands, southeast of the
Virgin Islands, immediately northwest of Saint Kitts and southeast of Saba.
The regional capital is Oranjestad and the island has an area of eight (8) square
3. Cabinet discussed the major outcomes of the 2017 Budget Estimates Meeting.
Cabinet is satisfied that the Budget sets an appropriate framework for the
delivery of government’s programmes. Cabinet examined the proposed
medium-term fiscal framework for the three year period (2017-2019) and
noted that a Surplus Budget should be derived and sustained economic growth
will be derived over the said period. In this regard, Cabinet recorded its
appreciation to all government ministries for their involvement and
cooperation over the three-day planning period from October 12-14, 2016.
4. Cabinet approved applications for Alien Land holding Licenses. The
obtaining of an Alien Land Holding License is governed by the Aliens Land
Holding Regulation Act, Chapter 10.01, of the Laws of Saint Christopher and
Nevis. The Act is to make provisions for aliens to obtain licenses in order to
hold land or mortgages on land etc.; and to provide for related or incidental
5. In order to expedite government’s housing initiative, Cabinet mandated that a
broad-based committee be put together involving the Ministry of Human
Settlement, the Ministry of Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Public
Infrastructure and the Ministry of Finance along with the National Housing
Corporation (NHC).
6. Cabinet approved the establishment of the Saint Kitts and Nevis Probation
and Child Welfare Board in keeping with St. Kitts and Nevis’ commitments
under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in ensuring
adequate care and protection of our Nation’s children. The St Kitts-Nevis
Probation and Child Welfare Board will be comprised of between seven and
twelve members with the responsibilities of providing and maintaining Child
Care Centers for children in need of care and protection; providing
counselling and other services for children in need of care and protection and
to parents and guardians of those children; placing children in Foster Care and
supervising Foster Homes; receiving reports of all cases and suspected cases
of child abuse, investigating such reports and other appropriate reports such
as cases to the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Police and the Director
of Public Prosecutions (DPP). The Board, now constituted, under an
amendment of 2013, is also responsible for appointing both the Adoption
Committee and the Child Justice Committee, which are integral to the full
implementation of the Child Justice Act, which calls for diversion and a
number of other alternative sentences. The history of the Board has been
punctuated with several periods of inactivity which have severely hampered
both the Juvenile Justice System and the protection of vulnerable children.
Since 2015, the Department of Probation and Child Protection Services has
been unable to fully function as it is the Board and not the Department that
has the authority to take matters to court or remove children from homes in
cases of abuse and neglect.
7. Cabinet approved a number of recommendations relating to the Citizenship
by Investment (CBI) Programme. These recommendations include an
Accelerated Application Process; a review of legislation and regulations,
including consideration of a broader pool of initiatives for consideration under
the CBI Programme. The Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) is the
Government Authority which handles all matters concerning Citizenship by
Investment in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. The Citizenship by
Investment Programme was established in 1984, making it the longest
established programme of its kind in the world. It has distinguished itself from
many other similar programmes by rigidly enforced investment requirements
and meticulous due diligence procedures. The Government of St. Kitts and
Nevis utilizes this programme to attract investors of good character to make a
substantial contribution to the development of the Federation. These investors
are then given the opportunity to apply for citizenship and passport within the
strict guidelines of the law and the relevant regulations.
8. Cabinet received an update from the technical team of the Ministry of National
Security comprising Deputy Commissioner of Police Hilroy Brandy inter alia.
DPP Brandy has responsibility for the Service Improvement Directorate. The
Cabinet was apprised of the excellent performance of the Security Forces as
it relates to “Operation Safe Streets”. Cabinet recorded its appreciation to the
Governments of the Member States of the Regional Security System (RSS)
for giving full support to making St. Kitts and Nevis one of the safest and
securest destinations. The Police High Command reported to Cabinet that the
support of the RSS has been a success at all levels of engagement.