A four day training course on Public Procurement will take place at the Ocean Terrace Inn conference room Fort Lands, St. Kitts on 24-27th October 2016 from 9am-1.30pm.
The course is targeted at Officials in Government Ministries, Private Sector and other agencies working in the field of Public Procurement. Enhanced knowledge of Public Procurement is considered vital in the context of Procurement reforms and bilateral trade agreements where Public Procurement is increasingly on the agenda, especially the CARICOM Single Market Economy (CSME) and CARIFORUM-EU.
The course will equip participants with knowledge of CSME Public Procurement regime the Framework Regional Integrated Public Procurement (FRIPP), knowledge of developments at CARICOM regional level, the procurement provisions of the FRIP and Draft Procurement Bill, as well as an understanding of their role in the successful implementation of these measures in inter-regional and international trade.
The training course is an output of the Development and Implementation of the Infrastructure and Instruments for an Integrated Single Market and Economy (CSME) Procurement Market. The project’s overall objective is to support CARICOM and CARIFORUM Member States’ beneficial integration in the single economy. Specifically, it seeks to help Member States to implement their Revise Treaty of Chaguramas Article 239 commitments in the areas of deepening market Integration and Public Procurement.
The training in Public Procurement is being facilitated by CARICOM Secretariat via the consultant group Eurosupport an international public procurement training organization, located in Europe.
Mrs. Veronica Bene an expert in the area of Public Procurement, and one of the consultants attached to Eurosupport Organization and Mr. Kevin Arthurton of the Ministry of International Trade et al will conduct the training sessions.
Further information on the program and overall project can be provided by Kevin Arthurton (Tel: 869-467-1631/1203) Email: karthurton@hotmail.com or arthurton.kevin@gmail.com