(NATCOM) – Basseterre, March 14, 2017: The St. Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO is noting its sympathy on the passing of former Governor General of the Federation H.E. Sir Probyn Inniss MBE.
Secretary General of the National Commission for UNESCO Mr. Antonio Maynard said that His Excellency had been an outstanding resource for the National Commission and had assisted in a significant way towards forwarding the mandate of the National Commission.
He said besides being a lecturer at many heritage related events, Sir Probyn was also significant in his well known role as Chairman of the Brimstone Hill Fortress Society during which time significant miles stones were achieved. He was also instrumental in the process towards the recognition of the Fortress as a World Heritage Site.
Sir Probynn’s final public statement in connection with the National Commission was at a capacity building workshop on conservation and management of heritage sites in September 2016 when he delivered the feature address.
Secretary General Maynard, said The Federation has benefitted from the commitment and expertise of forthright men such as Sir Probynn Inniss. He saluted the opportunity he had had to utilize the resource and stated that his contributions had been documented and that his legacy would live on.
“May his soul rest in peace,” Mr. Maynard concluded.