This year, “PUBLIC WORKS WEEK” will run from May 14th – 20th under the theme:
Date Activities Venue Time
Sunday May 14th Church Service:
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 8.30 am
Monday May 15th Community Clean Up
Panel Discussion (Round Table)
Topic: “Providing Modern Public
Infrastructure Services – Opportunities and Challenges” ZIZ TV 8:30 pm
“Working Better Together for Positive Change.” Organized by the Public Works Department (PWD), Public Works Week celebrates the vital role public works plays in connecting us all together. As the cornerstone of civilization, public works provides, maintains, and improves the structures and services that assure a higher quality of life for our communities. Its streets, roads, bridges, and public transportation keep us linked together; our clean water and sanitation services keep us healthy and allow our communities to grow and prosper.
The St. Kitts Public Works Department proudly salutes and thanks the hundreds of public works (infrastructure) professionals who work tirelessly throughout the country every day to strengthen the bond that keeps us all connected, safe and healthy.
Amongst the highlights of our Week of Activities are:
Staff of the Public Works Department will worship at the Immaculate Conception Catholic
Church on Sunday May 14th; a live Panel Discussion on ZIZ Television (The Round Table) on Monday May 15th at 8:30 pm; schools open day and staff health walk on Wednesday May 16th; staff health check on Thursday May 18th and rounding out the week on Saturday May 20th with a fraternal Fun Day with our Nevisian colleagues.
Please see below our schedule of activities.
Tuesday May 16th Professional Development Training
Wednesday May 17th Open Day (invite schools, general public)
Staff Health Walk PWD Main Office,
Wellington Road 10:00 am –
2:00 pm
Thursday May 18th Staff Health Check Movie Nite PWD Main Office 10:00 am –
2:00 pm
Friday May 19th Barbecue Social East Basseterre & West
PWD Main Office Am
Saturday May 20th Family Fun Sports Day in Nevis Bath Playing Field