The Police has observed that some of the Criminal Activities are committed using vehicles that are heavily tinted (windscreens and windows) in excess of the percentage of light transmittance stipulated by law and the use of fake number plates not in compliance with the provision of the Vehicles and Road Traffic Act and its Regulations.
Accordingly, the Licensing Authority wishes to advise motorists and the General Public of the following provisions of schedule 2 to the Regulations with respect to registration plates:
- The letters and figures must be white, and the ground of the plate must be black except in the case of motor Omnibuses, when it must be green.
- All letters and figures must be three-and-a-half inches high; every part of every letter and figure must be five-eighths of an inch broad; and the total width of the space taken by every letter or figure, except in the case of the figure 1, must be two-and-a-half inches.
- The space adjoining figures must be half-an-inch, and there must be a margin between the nearest part of any letter or figure and the top and bottom of the plate of at least half-an-inch, and between the nearest part of any letter or figure and the sides of the plate of at least one inch.
- The space between the letters and figures must be one-and-a-half inches.
Section 62(6) of the Act provides that the windows and windscreens of motor vehicles shall not be tinted darker than 35% light transmittance. In the case of rentals, NO tint whatsoever is permitted on these vehicles.
Regulation 17(h) provides; except with the permission of the Examining Officer, there shall not be affixed to the front or rear of a motor vehicle, any lighted lamps. Regulation 18(1) further provides that the rays from the lamps at the front of the vehicle shall be uncolored.
The Licensing Authority has approved the use of soft colored lighting at the front of public service vehicles for identification purposes, however, the use of blue lights on all vehicles, including public service vehicles is strictly prohibited as this color is reserved for use on Police vehicles only.
The Traffic Department strongly urges owners and drivers of vehicles that are not in compliance with these provisions to take corrective measures immediately to avoid prosecution. The Police will embark on an Enforcement Drive to ensure compliance.