According to the Procedures Manual for the Implementation of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). Member States are required to establish a system of National Consultations to give effect to the consultative process as outlined in Article 26 of the revised Treaty. The article requires that deliberations be held to ensure that decision-making at the level of the ‘Community Organs’ is adequately informed by relevant inputs derived from consultations at successively lower levels. In fulfilling this mandate, it is necessary that existing institutional capacity be strengthened or created where it did not.
It is in this regard that the Ministry of International Trade et al is pleased to announce that it has successfully formulated the Inter Ministerial Consultative Committee, and has recently conducted Its first Inter Ministerial Consultative Committee meeting on Tuesday, 18th April 2017.
The IMCC comprises of representation from different Government Ministries and departments within the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis including the Ministry of International Trade, Industry and Commerce, Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Community Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Finance and the Customs and Excise Department.
The IMCC is expected to provide the forum for networking or collaborating and information dissemination among public officers. This includes the dissemination of information on CSME related issues and the ‘bringing together’ of technical advice from relevant Ministries.