Friday 1st June, 2017 (St. Kitts & Nevis) – Registration is now open for entries into the Sugar Mas 46 Slogan Competition.
The Slogan criteria for Sugar Mas 46 carry a total of 50 points and should consist of the following:
- Generaliability – able to embrace the activities (5 points)
- Logistically Clean – no nude language – (10 points)
- The Slogan must be easily remembered – (5 points)
- The Slogan must be easy to announce – (5 points)
- The Slogan must be original (10 points)
- The Slogan must be relevant to Carnival 2017/Sugar Mas 46 (15 points)
Registration closes on Friday 30th June, at 6pm. You may send your slogan to, or deliver it to the Carnival Secretariat on Victoria Road, Basseterre.
Log on to or visit our facebook page at St. Kitts Nevis National Carnival for more details.
The winning Slogan for this year will be announced via radio, print, social and online media. It will used throughout the Carnival season to enhance all promotions for Sugar Mas 46.