Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 11, 2017 (SKNIS): The St. Kitts and Nevis Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) received high accolades for hosting the 42nd annual Regional Conference of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region, which was held from June 16-24 and created an avenue for parliamentarians and media to increase collaboration.
Speaker of the National Assembly, the Honourable Michael Perkins, informed the Honourable House on Tuesday’s (July 11) Sitting of Parliament of a letter that he received from Heather Cooke, Regional Secretary Treasurer of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region Branch of CPA, expressing satisfaction at the success of the conference.
“We would like to extend our sincere thanks to you and your branch for the hosting of the [CPA Conference]. Thanks also for hosting the Hot Topics Forum, which surpassed all of our expectations in form and content and was evidently well received,” he said. “Kudos to your conference planning team so ably led by Ms. Sonia Boddie who carried a conference second to none.”
Speaker Perkins also used the occasion to extend his sincerest appreciation and thanks to all who played a significant role in making sure that the conference was a success, noting that “it was carried out in fine fashion”.
Some 11 Speakers of National Assemblies, parliamentarians from across the Commonwealth region, as well as delegates who were made up of elected and nominated parliamentarians and also Clerks of the various parliaments assembled in the federation and participated in the 42nd annual CPA under the theme “Enhancing Democracy through the use of the Parliamentary System and the Media”.
A number of activities were planned, including but not limited to, the 13th Regional Youth Parliament Debate; the 10th Regional Conference of Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP); as well as the Hot Topic Forum Part Two – “Seeking to Increase Women’s Political Participation. The Hot Topic Forum was a highlight of the conference and brought together not only Commonwealth Parliamentarians, but also academics, students, civil society organizations and the wider Commonwealth family.