The European Union is seeking proposals for projects aimed at enhancing the contribution of Civil Society to governance and development in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean states (OECS).
The overall objective is to support Civil Society Organisations’ (CSO) contribution and participation to national development and policy making. Meanwhile, the specific objective will be to enhance CSO’s contribution as actors of governance and accountability, as partners in promoting social development, and as stakeholders in promoting inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth.
An area of engagement will be supporting Civil Society Organisations in their efforts to challenge discriminatory social norms and stereotypes.
EU Ambassador, Daniela Tramacere said: “Overall, there is a willingness on the part of policy makers to include CSOs in decision making. However, this willingness has not yet been fully translated into the creation of a truly enabling environment for regional CSOs, both legally and in practice”.
The deadline for proposals is 6 October 2017. The Guidelines for Applicants are available at using reference number 156696.
Since 2005 the EU has established Non-State Actors (NSA) Advisory panels in Barbados and Eastern Caribbean states. The objective of these panels is to improve NSA’s participation in national development as it relates to the programming of EU grant aid. The EU has signed Memoranda of Understanding with the countries, setting out the role and function of the NSA panels.
Wayne Lewis