(St. Christopher National Trust) St. Kitts and Nevis – October 12, 2017: The St. Christopher National Trust is pleased to announce that the new date for its “Journey Back in Time” Scenic Railway Tour has been set for Saturday November 25th.
Many thanks to the management of the St. Kitts Scenic Railway who graciously offered to re-schedule the Heroes Day Tour that had to be called off on September 16th, due to mechanical problems.
The tour will leave the train station on November 25th at 2:00 p.m. Patrons are advised to bring their ticket stubs from the Heroes Day Tour and be at the station by1:45 p.m. for boarding.
The Trust wishes to thank all of its very supportive and understanding patrons for their patience and looks forward welcoming them on November 25th.
The ‘Journey Back in Time’ Tour takes passengers on a journey through the history of St. Kitts and Nevis in the form of folk songs and storytelling. Additional tickets are still available.
For tickets and more information please contact the National Trust office at 465-5584 or admin@stchristophernationaltrust.kn