BASSETERRE (2nd November, 2017): Motorcade, student fieldtrips, heritage walk, karoke and photo competitions; These are just some of the exciting activities of the 2017 Tourism Awareness Month, in November.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Carlene Henry-Morton, launched the month of activities on Wednesday, and revealed the theme: “Enhancing Our Nation’s Prosperity by Nurturing Tourism Sustainability.”
“Throughout this month a variety of events and activities will highlight the fact that the tourism sector is vitally important to our country and that we all need to better understand, support, and protect tourism as one of the key drivers of our economy,” Morton said. “Indeed, it is important that we strive to protect all that is good about our island. That is why the team at the Ministry of Tourism and the St. Kitts Tourism Authority is committed in providing a consistently outstanding visitor experience through the sustainable development of our human, natural and cultural resources in order to maximize opportunity, prosperity and quality of life for present and future generations.”
Morton said her team has a pro-people approach to tourism sector development, which is intended to translate into youth inclusion and capacity building; entrepreneurship and employment. Therefore, citizens are empowered and equipped to deliver a quality, authentic and uniquely Kittitian experience, that will add value and differentiate us from other destinations.
Activities for tourism month include the following:
Friday 3rd November, 2017
Prize Giving for Winners of the CTO Youth Congress
Sunday 5th November, 2017
Church Service at the Zion Moravian Church (9:30am)
Tuesday 7th November, 2017
Caribbean Tourism Day Observance
Junior Minister of Tourism Radio Broadcast
Friday 10th November, 2017
Karaoke Competition
Port Zante Food Court 7pm
Saturday 11th November, 2017
Rails to Trails Project (6am)
Staff Appreciation Dinner
13th to 17th November, 2017
Talks In School Series
Saturday 18th November, 2017
Tourism/Carnival Island-Wide Motorcade
Sunday 19th November, 2017
Poinciana Theater Production
“When Men Talk About Sex”
ECCB 6pm
20th to 23rd November, 2017
Tourism Education Product Tour (Primary Schools)
Thursday 23rd November, 2017
Launch of Yachting Strategic Implementation Plan
Friday 24th November, 2017
Judging of the Best Destination Photo Contest
Saturday 25th November, 2017
Heritage Health & Fitness Walk
De Poincy Chateau
Wedneday 29th November, 2017
Prize Giving For Best Destination Photo Contest