Basseterre, St. Kitts, November 02, 2017 (SKNIS): The Ministry of Youth will this month (Youth Month) provide avenues where its leadership, including the Minister, will sit down and listen to the thoughts, ideas and opinions of young people.
One such activity is the Minister’s Youth Forum scheduled for Tuesday, November 21 at the Ocean Terrace Inn. It will run from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
“Too often, we engage in the cookie cutter decisions instead of listening to the experiences and suggested solutions of the youth of our nation,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Youth the Honourable Shawn Richards stated, referring to some the old-fashioned attitudes that still exist in segments of the society.
Acting Director of the Department of Youth Empowerment Pierre Liburd said the ideas and opinions of residents, regardless of their age, are welcome, while further noting that the public can share suggestions by phoning in during live media appearances by staff members. This includes Wednesday’s (November 08) edition of the radio and television programme “Working for You.”
Comments can also be shared either by visiting the Department of Youth Empowerment located on the top floor of The Cable Building on Cayon Street, by calling 662-6054, or by inboxing their Facebook Page at
The consultative approach is an important part of Government’s strategy to engage with relevant partners, stakeholders, and individuals in order to promote transparency and good governance.
This was evident over the past 12 months when hundreds of nationals and residents gave their input in the drafting and review process of the Federal Youth Policy. The largest activity in this exercise occurred in March 2017 when more than two hundred people participated in a National Consultation.
Youth Month 2017 is filled with a number of popular activities such as the High School Chef Competition on November 23, Youth Month March and Rally on November 24, and the High School Choir Festival on November 26, that are designed to showcase the talents and abilities of the nation’s youth population.