Basseterre, St. Kitts, December 12, 2017 (SKNIS): Permanent Secretaries and selected Heads of Departments from various government ministries are currently attending a two-day training session under the Caribbean Leadership Programme (CLP) entitled “Building and Maintaining Cross-functional and Inter-Ministerial Teams”.
The training session which runs from December 12-13 is hosted by the local Human Resource Management Department (HRMD). The workshop is a follow-up of CLP’s regional workshop on ‘Sustainability for Leadership Development Programming in the Caribbean’ which was held in July 2017 for facilitators or national training units in the project’s 12 participating countries. It focuses on three main objectives including: developing key leadership skills required for building high performance cross functional and inter-ministerial teams; developing strategies to improve cross functional and inter-ministerial collaboration for organizational effectiveness; and creating an action plan to sustain the effectiveness of cross functional and inter-ministerial teams.
In delivering welcome remarks during the opening ceremony on Tuesday, December 12, Jamilah Adams, Assistant Human Resource Manager, said that the sessions are designed to better equip leaders in the workplace with the necessary skills needed to build and maintain cross-functional and inter-ministerial teams.
“CLP has been conducting training over the past five to six years in collaboration with governments across the region with a hope to build a cadre of human resource personnel whose performance would surpass any other,” she said.
Ms. Adams noted that the facilitators will use the two days to impart knowledge which they would have recently acquired during their development sessions with the CLP.
“We anticipate that the information to be shared and the interactions in which you will engage over the next two days will impact your continued development as you commit yourselves to the building of our beautiful Federation,” Ms. Adams added.
Facilitator, Fitzroy Wilkin, shared similar sentiments and noted that his experience from the CLP focused on developing design facilitation skills for leadership development programmes. He encouraged participants to gather all they can over the two days as it will redound to the benefit of all.
“Over the two days we will engage in activities which we hope will help you to function more effectively in your inter-ministerial teams. We look forward to a fruitful and engaging experience,” he added.
The Regional Project Office (RPO) is hosted by the Cave Hill School of Business/ University of the West Indies (CHSB/UWI) in Barbados. The countries participating in the Project are: Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. The project also targets key regional institutions which play a pivotal role in advancing regional integration and economic development.