His Excellency The Governor-General, Sir S. W. Tapley Seaton GCMG, CVO, QC, JP returned to Office today Wednesday 10th January 2018. His Excellency travelled to Barbados on Sunday 7th January and attended the Swearing in of Barbados’ 8th Governor-General Dame Sandra Mason, GCMG, DA on Monday 8th January. Dame Sandra was a classmate of Sir Tapley in the very first group of students at the Faculty of Law, UWI Cave Hill, Barbados in 1970 – 1973.
Dame Sandra Mason was until recently a Justice of Appeal of the Supreme Court and previously served in several other capacities including as Ambassador of Barbados to Brazil, Venezuela, Chile and Colombia.
His Excellency was accompanied by His ADC, Captain Lyn Wilkin and Inspector Alphonso Hendrickson, QPM. During His Excellency’s short absence, His Excellency Mr. Michael Morton, CBE, JP performed the duties of Governor General’s Deputy.