BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, JANUARY 12TH, 2018 (PRESS SEC) – The Caribbean ranks #4 in The New York Times’ highly prestigious annual 52 Places to Go issue, with Park Hyatt St. Kitts scoring a mention.
This latest publicity reinforces that the year is off to an auspicious start for St. Kitts and Nevis, as some of the world’s most-read news and lifestyle publications are recognizing the Federation as a top travel destination for 2018.
In its 13th annual Places to Go issue unveiled in the newspaper’s Travel section this week, The New York Times writes, “Hurricanes Irma and Maria delivered a one-two punch to the Caribbean in 2017, battering many islands, including Dominica, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin and the United States Virgin Islands. While more than 70 percent of the tourism-dependent region was unaffected, hoteliers and tourism agencies across the islands banded together to help their neighbors and spread the word that business for one means survival for all.”
The venerable newspaper notes that new hotel openings include “the high-end Park Hyatt St. Kitts” after stating, “Travelers can help by visiting the islands that are open for business, and there are plenty of incentives to do so.”
Today, Friday, January 12th, 2018, Thrillist, a leading men’s digital lifestyle brand, features a story in its Travel section with the headline “If you’re going to one Caribbean island, make it the home of Hamilton.”
How timely this story is, seeing that yesterday was the birthday of Alexander Hamilton, who was born in Nevis and immigrated to America, later becoming one of its founding fathers and its first Secretary of the Treasury.
St. Kitts is one of 22 destinations that Bloomberg Businessweek says will be “especially hot” this year. Mentioned second, St. Kitts is the only Caribbean destination on the list titled “Where to Go in 2018.”
Bloomberg Businessweek writes, “St. Kitts has pulled off a beach-escape hat trick: It feels untouched while being both comfortable and convenient…In terms of convenience, Delta has begun offering nonstop routes from Atlanta and New York, making St. Kitts more accessible than many of its Caribbean peers.”