The European Union is providing Anguilla with 16.8 million euro (EC$56 M) for education and training. Of the amount, 2.8 million euro (EC$9M) will go towards addressing the damaged inflicted on schools and educational institutions during the passage of Hurricanes Irma and Maria last year. While the entire school plant in the country suffered damage from the hurricanes, focus will be on the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School which was severely affected.
Meanwhile, the overall grant assistance under the Education and Training Sector Policy Support Programme is geared towards making primary as well as secondary education along with Technical and Vocational Education more relevant in meeting the current and future needs of the labour market.
Some of the objectives it will seek to support include the implementation of the Education Development Plan 2015-2020; improved quality of education at primary level focussing on functional numeracy and literacy; improvements in the provision of secondary education, strategic management, as well as administration.