Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 09, 2018 (SKNIS): The formal meeting of the Cabinet took place on Thursday, March 08, 2018. The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris. Here are the salient matters that were discussed at that meeting:
Cabinet congratulated the Ministry of Gender Affairs and all participants in the celebrations marking International Women’s Day, which is celebrated universally each year on March 08. Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine partnered with the Department of Gender Affairs in hosting an International Women’s Day Award Breakfast Ceremony at the Royal St. Kitts Hotel on March 08. The Honourable Prime Minister, Dr. Timothy Harris, and the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister, Shawn Richards participated in the breakfast and awards ceremony, which was deemed a success.
Cabinet discussed several matters including the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme of St. Kitts and Nevis, which is the oldest and most trusted in the world, and considered how it can further improve its market acceptance. The Cabinet heard presentations on this matter from a diversified group of marketing experts.
Cabinet examined how it can best advance the availability of water in all communities. In this regard, Cabinet will receive recommendations from the technical team at the Water Department.
Cabinet determined that the momentous 35th Anniversary of Independence programme of activities ought to be finalized. In this regard, the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister, Shawn Richards, will chair the committee with assistance from Senator the Honourable Wendy Phipps, who for the past three years was chair of the committee. Cabinet recorded its deep appreciation to Senator Phipps for outstanding leadership in chairing the past celebrations.
The Cabinet condemned the double homicide, which took place in the federation on March 01, 2018, and an update was given on the matter. The honourable prime minister met with the grieving families and agreed to provide some financial support to assist with the expenses for the funeral. Cabinet further undertook to ensure that counselling and other support services be offered to the grieving families.
Cabinet discussed the prime minister’s upcoming press conference slated for Wednesday, March 14, in the Parliamentary Lounge at Government Headquarters, and the People’s Forum Town Hall Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, March 13, at the Laguerite Community Centre in West Basseterre. The town hall meetings have become very popular and interactive sessions for government ministers to give account of their stewardship to the people in real time. From all reports, the meetings have been tremendous successes with hundreds of persons in attendance and also following via mass media, including social media, and who are finding the interactive sessions to be of excellent value for information gathering.