Fellow Citizens and residents, greetings.
It gives me great pleasure to address you as the Minister responsible for Public Infrastructure, Post, Urban Development and Transport on the occasion of the launch of “Public Works Week 2018” which will run from Sunday May 13th to Saturday May 19th.
The Theme chosen for this year is “PWD – Serving our Community.” With such a theme, the Public Works Department will attempt to highlight its vital role in the maintenance and improvement of our public infrastructure and facilities. The services which are rendered at these facilities, whether it is our schools, community centres, sporting complexes or health facilities, help to assure a higher quality of life for our people.
The PWD with the support of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, et al deems it important to have this week of activities as an avenue to raise public awareness of the important work that it performs, also as a means to build comradery amongst colleagues.
The Public Works Department is a critical arm of the government and performs varied and vital roles in serving our community. In particular, the Public Works Department:
- Provides Engineering and Architectural services to the government.
- Undertakes the maintenance of all government buildings such as schools, hospitals, recreation facilities and community centres in concert with the various Ministries.
- Operates the government’s Quarry and Sand Mining Sites, from which we obtain the aggregates for the construction of our buildings and our roads.
- Maintains government’s fleet of vehicles
- Constructs and maintains our road network including drains and sidewalks. In fact, work has just begun on the rehabilitation of the Island Main Road.
The PWD is also involved in the supervision of several other infrastructural projects which are either ongoing, or are in an advanced stage of planning including:
- Mitigating the threat of falling rocks and coastal erosion across Old Road Bay.
- The installation of Traffic Lights at key junctions in Basseterre (a project which is to be expanded).
- The construction of the East Bus Line Terminal at Wellington Road which has started and is due to be officially opened in time for our 35thIndependence Celebration.
- The Construction of the New Basseterre High School at Ponds Estate.
- The construction of the Breakwater at the Old Road Fisheries Complex.
- The design and construction of the New Sandy Point Police Station and Courthouse and,
- The construction of the New Cruise Ship Pier at Port Zante, just to name a few.
As the Minister of Public Infrastructure I proudly salute and thank the Public Works Professionals who serve our communityevery day by ensuring that our public facilities and infrastructure are well maintained so that we can all be safe and healthy.
In conclusion I take this opportunity to highlight some of the activities planned for this week:
- On Sunday May 13th, staff of the PWD will worship at the Rivers of Living Water Christian Centre, at Lime Kiln.
- On Monday May14th staff will engage in an exchange with their counterparts from the Nevis Public Works Department.
- On Tuesday 15th staff will have the opportunity to get their health checked by the Windsor University School of Medicine.
- There will also be an open day for schools in order to showcase the careers that are available in the field of Public Works, and to make contributions to past workers.
- The week will climax with a visit to Montserrat by staff of the PWD over the whit-weekend.
It now therefore gives me great pleasure to officially declare Public Works Week 2018 open and to wish all of my colleagues a successful week of activities.
May it please you my fellow citizens and residents and may God continue to bless our beautiful Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.
I thank you.