Geneva, 24 May 2018 (PAHO/WHO)- Delegates from the countries that are
participating in the 71st World Health Assembly reached agreements on
issues such as noncommunicable diseases and tuberculosis, two diseases
that will be addressed at the United Nations High-Level Meeting in September
of this year.
Representatives of the Member States considered WHO’s five-year strategic
action plan on polio transition. They also endorsed a resolution urging
cholera-affected countries to implement a roadmap that aims to reduce deaths
from the disease.
Noncommunicable diseases
World Health Assembly delegates called for stepped up action in the global fight to beat
noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including urging for participation by heads of state
and government at the Third United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on
the Prevention and Control of NCDs on 27 September 2018.
Member States reiterated that the international community has committed, in line with
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), to reduce by one-third by 2030 premature
deaths from NCDs, primarily cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes and chronic
respiratory diseases, and to promote mental health and wellbeing. Each year, 15 million
people aged 30 to 70 years die from an NCD and the current levels of decline in risk of
premature death from NCDs are insufficient to meet the SDG NCD target.
The Assembly recognized that enhanced political leadership is needed to accelerate
prevention and control of NCDs, such as by implementing cost-effective and feasible
“best buys” and other recommended interventions to prevent and control NCDs. These
measures include actions to reduce the main disease risks, namely tobacco use,
physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets, as well as air pollution.
Health systems must be strengthened by implementing effective measures that better
detect people at risk of NCDs and providing drug therapies and services to reduce
deaths from heart attacks, stroke and diabetes. Prevention and management of mental
disorders also requires urgent action.
Position of the Americas
The group of countries of the Americas reiterated its commitment to the prevention and
control of these diseases that account for three quarters of all deaths in the region. The
delegates invited all Member States to be represented at the United Nations meeting at
the highest political level, to renew and reinforce the work involved in implementing the
measures required to reduce the burden of these diseases.
All countries face challenges in preventing and controlling these diseases and their
main risk factors, the delegates said. To effectively address NCDs and promote mental
health, as well as the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health, a
whole-of-government and a whole of-society approach should frame these actions at
the national level. “Strong political will, national and international investments,
cooperation and action across sectors, as well as responsible engagement and multisector
partnerships between all stakeholders are necessary to achieve these health
objectives,” the statement says.
The countries of the Americas called on the World Health Organization to strengthen its
role in supporting Member States to implement national NCD responses and build
adequate capacities at the national level. They also asked WHO to scale up the
coordination of necessary activities with other relevant stakeholders.
Read the complete statement here (English
Today delegates considered WHO’s 5-year strategic action plan on polio transition
designed to strengthen country health systems impacted by the scaling down and
eventual closure of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). The strategic plan was
based on the priorities of the national government transition plans, and developed in
close collaboration with WHO regional and country offices. The implementation of the
plan will require coordination with all country-level and global partners. The plan
complements the Africa Immunization Business Case to strengthen immunization
systems in the African continent, and also the significant progress made in the
integration of the polio functions in the South-East Asian Region.
The strategy supports country ownership of essential polio functions like surveillance,
laboratory networks, and some core infrastructure that are needed to (i) sustain a poliofree
world after eradication of polio virus; (ii) strengthen immunization systems,
including surveillance for vaccine-preventable diseases; and (iii) strengthen emergency
preparedness, detection and response capacity to ensure full implementation of the
International Health Regulations. WHO commits to continue providing technical
assistance and resource mobilization support to countries engaged in polio transition.
Delegates noted the importance of integrating essential polio functions into national
health systems. They proposed that this plan be a “living document” and be revised
based on the development of the Programme Budget for 2020-21, and requested an
updated report for the 144th Executive Board and the 172ndWHA.
Delegates agreed on a resolution urging the WHO Director-General, Member States
and partners to continue support to preparations for the high-level meeting of
the UN General Assembly on ending tuberculosis in September this year.
The resolution also commits Member States to accelerate their actions to end
TB, building on the commitments of the WHO Global Ministerial Conference on Ending
TB, held in Moscow in November 2017. It welcomes WHO’s efforts to develop a
multisectoral accountability framework towards ending TB, and requests the Secretariat
to develop a new global strategy for TB research and innovation and supports next
steps in its development and use.
Current efforts to implement the World Health Assembly-approved End TB Strategy and
to meet the SDG target of ending TB are currently falling short. TB claimed 1.7 million
lives in 2016 worldwide, including 0.4 million among people with HIV. TB remains the
leading infectious disease killer in the world and is one of the top ten global causes of
death. It is hoped that the September meeting will prompt a renewal of high-level
political commitment to accelerate action to end TB.
Delegates endorsed a resolution urging cholera-affected countries to implement a
roadmap that aims to reduce deaths from the disease by 90% by 2030. The resolution
also urges WHO to increase its capacity to support countries fighting the disease;
strengthen surveillance and reporting of cholera; and reinforce its leadership and
coordination of global prevention and control efforts.
Cholera kills an estimated 95 000 people and affects 2.9 million more every year,
disproportionally impacting communities already burdened by conflict, lack of
infrastructure, poor health systems and malnutrition. Over 2 billion people worldwide still
lack access to safe water and are at potential risk of the disease.
‘Ending Cholera: A Global Roadmap to 2030’ was launched last year by the Global
Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) and underscores the need for a coordinated
approach to combat the disease with country-level planning for early detection and
response to outbreaks, and long-term preventive water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH)
Coalition launched to strengthen actions to combat air pollution
At an information session on health, the environment, and climate change, a
coalition was launched to address the challenges of air pollution. This coalition
is comprised of WHO, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP),
and the World Meteorological Organization, with the support of the Climate
and Clean Air Coalition.
The WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, praised the
formation of this alliance and expressed his hope that it has concrete
outcomes. He said that the way to address environmental health problems is
“prevention, prevention, and prevention.” He also stressed that the smallest
islands are the most affected by the impact of climate change on health, which
is why WHO is focusing more effort in those areas. “They are the ones that
require more focus and attention,” he said.
The occasion served to give several countries the opportunity to share their
perspectives on the challenges they face in environmental health and climate
change. In this context, the Director of the Pan American Health Organization
(PAHO), Carissa F. Etienne, reminded those in attendance that she is from
Dominica and that the issues of health and environment are close to her
heart. She listed the actions that PAHO is taking to address this issue with the
PAHO/71st World Health Assembly:
WHO/ 71st World Health Assembly