The St. Kitts & Nevis (National) Marijuana Commission is committed to its mandate of hosting a
series of consultative meetings throughout the Federation. The purpose of these community
forums is: (i) to engage (you) the people; (ii) share the facts and latest evidence regarding the
medical, social and economic implications of marijuana use and; (iii) ascertain your position on
these complex issues.
You are invited to the next community forum dubbed:
“Cannabis #YourVoiceYourView” scheduled for Thursday June 7th, 2018 at the
Gingerland Anglican Church Hall, Gingerland, Nevis at 7:00 pm.
We are inviting persons living in the Stony Hill. Taylors, Rice’s, Zion, Gingerland and
Manning’s communities to come out and be prepared for an exciting discussion on the issues
related to the use of marijuana.
The views regarding marijuana use are divided, some persons are
against the use of marijuana, some are for its use and some are undecided. We are encouraging
you to come out and share your views. #YourVoiceYourView
Dr Hazel Laws
Chief Medical Officer &
Chairperson of National Marijuana Commission
Friday 1
st June, 2018