Due to his active engagement in advancing judicial integrity, Mr. Justice Saunders has recently been appointed to serve on the Advisory Board of the Global Judicial Integrity Network by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) Global Programme for the Implementation of the Doha Declaration.
Mr. Justice Saunders’ interests also extend to the area of court administration where he has adopted an active role in the CCJ’s public education and other strategic projects. He led the development of the Court’s first Strategic Plan in 2012 and currently chairs the ongoing project to develop and execute the Strategic Plan for 2018-2023.
Mr. Justice Saunders has written many legal articles and publications and is a Consulting Editor of The Caribbean Civil Court Practice and a co-author of Fundamentals of Caribbean Constitutional Law. He serves as Chairman of the Caribbean Associa- tion of Judicial Officers which, in collaboration with UN Women, played a leading role in developing and promoting the adoption of Gender Sensitive Protocols for Judicial Officers for various Caribbean
He also lectures part time at the UWI, St Augustine Faculty of Law on Constitutional Law. At its 29th Intersessional Meeting in Port au Prince, Haiti, in February 2018, the Caribbean Community Heads of Government agreed to the recommen- dation of the Regional and Judicial Legal Services Commission (RJLSC) that the Honourable Mr. Justice Adrian Saunders be appointed President of the Caribbean Court of Justice. He became President of the Caribbean Court of Justice on 4 July 2018.
The Honourable Mr Justice Saunders is married to Marilyn née Joslyn and the couple has two sons, Yuri
and Yanek.
The Honourable Mr. Justice Adrian Dudley Saunders
President of the Caribbean Court of Justice
Email: info@ccj.org
Call: (868) 623-2225
Visit: 134 Henry Street, Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Twitter: @caribbeancourt
LinkedIn: Caribbean Court of Justice
Email: info@ccj.org
Call: (868) 623-2225
Visit: 134 Henry Street, Port of Spain, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Twitter: @caribbeancourt
LinkedIn: Caribbean Court of Justice
• Oversaw the work of various working committees at the CCJ that shaped how the Court is per- ceived and ensures constant improvement on how stakeholders are served. He has headed the
Court’s Strategic Planning Committees for the first and second Strategic Plan for the CCJ. He has
also chaired the court’s Website and Communications Committee and also other pivotal projects
aimed at ensuring the smooth and efficient running of the Organization.
• In April 2018, he was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Global Judicial Integrity Network
by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) Global Programme for the Imple- mentation of the Doha Declaration. The Advisory Board will assist in the identification of priority
challenges and emerging issues in judicial integrity and will guide the work-plan to address the
priorities that have been identified.
• Deeply involved in issues of judicial reform. He assumed a leadership role in the Eastern Caribbe- an States in this regard. He chaired that Judiciary’s Ethics Committee which established a Judicial
Code of Ethics for Judges of the Court. He also chaired the Mediation Committee that supervised
the introduction to the Eastern Caribbean of court connected mediation.
• Former Chief Justice (Ag) of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and served as Chairman of
the Judicial Education Institute of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court prior to being appoint- ed a Judge of the CCJ.
• Since its inception launch in 2009 he has been elected and consistently re-elected Chairman
of Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers (CAJO), a regional association of judicial officers.
CAJO’s objectives include the improvement of the quality of Caribbean judges, through judicial
education and other initiatives, and as well the enhancement of judicial services and systems of
the region.
• Contributing editor of The Caribbean Civil Court Practice, the essential guide to the Civil Pro- cedure Rules (CPR) as they apply in the Caribbean, he is also the author of several published
articles and papers on a wide range of legal subjects. He is also the co-author of the Fundamen- tals of Caribbean Constitutional Law, a resource for students, legal professionals and judges of Caribbean public law, that articulates, discusses, and clarifies fundamental principles of constitu- tional law in the region. ·
• Championed judicial education throughout his judicial career. Has specialized expertise and ex- perience as a judicial educator. He is a faculty member of the Commonwealth Judicial Education
Institute (CJEI) having himself been trained as a judicial educator by that body. He is currently
and has been for the last 5 years the Course Director of the CJEI’s Intensive Study Programme for
Commonwealth Judicial Educators in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In addition, the Hon. Mr. Justice Saun- ders serves on the Board of the CJEI which provides support for the creation and strengthening of national judicial education bodies, encourages regional and pan-Commonwealth networking, the exchange of human and material resources, trains judicial education faculty; develops pro- gramme modules to be used in all Commonwealth countries, and designs judicial education