Yesterday’s (Wednesday, October 17th, 2018) 15th Annual Help-a-Child Program Primary School Scholarship Award Ceremony at the Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Bourryeau saw the program’s founder, Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, present $500.00 each to 85 primary school students from within and outside of his Constituency.
The $42,500.00 distributed yesterday now brings the total amount awarded to date under the Help-a-Child program to $294,000.00 and the total number of awardees to 588.
Help-a-Child, which was established to assist financially needy students, enlists the assistance of principals and teachers to identify candidates who demonstrate financial need.
The identification and selection process culminates annually with the Help-a-Child Program Primary School Scholarship Award Ceremony, which is a well-attended event that brings Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris’ kindness and generosity, as well as his Constituents’ high appreciation of him, to the fore.