Coming out of these consultations, there are certain policy issues that could not be adequately addressed during the two-week visit to the Federation. The Consultation with the IMF therefore continues up to today’s date and the Government awaits the outcome. In the circumstances the IMF Country Report has not been published.
It is important to note that the Government maintains an excellent relationship with the IMF and would endeavour to build on the strength of this partnership in the interest of advancing the development of the Federation.
St. Kitts and Nevis has recorded positive economic growth over the last four years and the outlook continues to be very positive in 2018 and over the medium term. The fiscal performance is also positive with the Government set to return a surplus on all major accounts by the end of 2018. The assessment of positive economic out-turn for 2018 has been supported by external partners including the IMF and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB).
The overall economic outlook for St. Kitts and Nevis is therefore a positive one.