Present Weather: Cloudy skies
Winds: A moderate breeze of 14mph from the East
Temperature: 26°C / 79°F Humidity: 80%
Sea Level Pressure: 1015.5mbs or 29.98″
Sunrise: Tom 6:16 am Sunset: Today 5:35 pm
Weather Forecast Valid until 8am Tomorrow
Winds: Easterly at 16 to 23mph with some gusts mainly in showers.
Seas: Significant wave heights 2.1 to 2.4 metres or 7 to 8 feet.
A small craft advisory remains in effect. Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: A low level trough bringing some moisture and instability across the Leeward Islands today will heighten the chance of showers over the islands. Later this evening and tonight a less moist and more stable air mass sitting over the area will restrict shower activity. A tight pressure gradient will also maintain moderate to fresh winds across the region which in turn will make sea conditions somewhat hazardous for small craft operators.
Weather Today: Cloudy with a 70 percent or high chance of showers. Weather Tonight: Partly cloudy with a 30 percent or low chance of showers.
Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Some moisture and instability associated with a low level trough will heighten the chance of showers under mostly cloudy skies over the Leeward Islands today. A less moist and more stable air mass sitting over the region tonight will restrict shower activity under partly cloudy skies.
The weather across the rest of the Eastern Caribbean will be dominated by a dry and stable airmass along with high pressure ridge which will keep the chance of showers low under mostly partly sunny skies today. Later tonight some moisture and instability moving over Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands will increase the chance of showers and cloudy skies.