Caricoos (University of Porto-Rico) joins Jamaïca, Trinidad & Tobago and Guadeloupe to pool, co-build and disseminate knowledge and approaches to coastal risk management in the Caribbean in relation to climate change;
Puerto Rico will thus participate in instrumentation and hydrodynamic parameters observation network (holograph, tide jauge, ADCP,…) and hydrodynamic digital platform (wind, waves, water level, currents and submersion) an simulating past scenarios, current and future.
It will join the efforts of its Caribbean and European partners for sharing of practices and definition of a common methodological protocol, pooling and strengthening the network of monitored sites and quantification of ecological service rendered in terms of natural protection offered by the environment (littoral vegetation ; coral reefs ; mangroves) for erosion.
Caricoos will benefit from definition of a surveillance system and of archiving of storms and their impact, realization of a web site with comments, modeling and associated management indicators, and awareness raising workshops, skills transfers, and production of didactic documents throughout partners and Caribbean.
Other technical partners are BRGM, ONF, CAR SPAW, IFREMER, IRD, UWI (St Augustine campus, Trinidad et Tobago), MonaGis Institute (UWI Mona campus, Jamaïca), Institute of Marine Affairs of Trinidad et Tobago, (Universidad de Puerto Rico), Association of Caribbean States
The duration of the program is 3 years and the total budget is US $ 3,400,000