Plastic free challenge was implemented last year for people around the world to pledge to be more aware of their plastic use and “choose to refuse.”
Diannille Taylor-Williams, Assistant Secretary and Chairperson of the St. Kitts Sustainable Destination Council (SDC), made the point during her appearance on Wednesday’s (February 06) edition of “Working for You”
“As a small island developing state we should be paying more attention to reducing the amount of plastic waste that we generate. We are speaking specifically to single use plastics, and we are encouraging persons to reduce the use of single use plastics,” she said. “Changing the way we do things and the way we generate waste.”
She noted that several actions have been taken to further promote a plastic free St. Kitts. One such initiative was the partnership with organizers of Cooler Fete, Jourade and other popular activities for Sugar Mas 47.
Reusable plastic cups were donated to people patronizing the bars with “The idea being that persons who would have attended that event would have had a cup that they would reuse at the bar which they can use throughout the night,” she said.
In addition to promoting a plastic free St. Kitts, a float depicting a turtle being entangled in a wave of plastics that was collected from beach cleanups around the island was on display during the Grand Carnival Parade on January 01, 2019.
She added that similar activities will continue to drive home the ultimate goal – a plastic free St. Kitts – to all.