A new deadline has been set for the Independence Theme Competition which is
Wednesday July 3rd.
The theme must be concise, memorable, and no more than six (6) to eight (8)
It must focus on Community Spiritedness and Love of Country and reflect the
country’s history, current realities, and the common/shared future to which all
citizens should reasonably aspire.
Written entries must be submitted: EITHER (a) by emailing to:
independence.themeskn@gmail.com or to william.hodge@moeskn.org OR (b) by
delivering a hard copy to Mr William Hodge P.S . Education OR into the drop box
at the entrance to Government Headquarters OR at the Department of
Education, Marion Heights, Nevis.
Entries for the Theme competition are accepted from persons of all ages who are
citizens and residents of the Federation.
A maximum of two (2) submissions will be accepted from each entrant. Please
submit your name, address and contact number(s) with each entry.
Deadline for submission: Wednesday July 3.