Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Sports, Darryl Lloyd noted on Thursday, May 14, 2020), that officials have been “working assiduously to ensure that we improve on the foundation for a model sports brand in the region, and the world.”
Mark Mungal, Director and co-founder of the Caribbean Sport and Development Agency in Trinidad and Tobago, led consultations to gather the perspective of a wide-cross section of stakeholders in March this year. He continued engaging with various officials virtually after COVID-19 promoted border closings across the CARICOM region.
Mr Lloyd said the draft document will be unveiled very shortly and touted the usefulness of such a policy.
“The National Sports Policy is designed to enhance the knowledge and practice of sports and recreational activities at all levels; to create a sports culture among all including the differently-abled; to develop sports as an industry; and to strengthen sports bodies and associations with good governance practices among other things,” Permanent Secretary Lloyd stated.