The Ministry of Culture is taking steps to strengthen the administrative operations of the the Secretariat of the St. Kitts & Nevis National Carnival committee.
This was one of the commitments given at a recent town hall meeting, hosted by the new Minister of Culture, Hon. Jonel Powell, at the Anglican Church Hall, (Old Girl School), on Victoria Road, on Wednesday, 24th June, 2020.
The Minister, at the time, revealed that as part of a comprehensive enhancement program, the post of Carnival Director was being activated to help boost the management capabilities of the Secretariat and the functioning of the Committee generally.
Powell explained that the National Carnival Act had always provided for a Director to help manage the day to day affairs of the Secretariat, but the position had remained inactive for decades.
As a consequence, the vacant position of Carnival Director, will be be filled from July, 2020, by Ms. Hazel Webster, who, until recently, was a Senior Destination Management Coordinator for TDC Flamboyant Tours.
Ms. Hazel has had some 29 years in the private sector and also served as a Director on the Board for the St. Kitts Tourism Authority.
In addition to the invaluable experienced gained in the corporate sector, Hazel, between 2018 & 2019, volunteered her expertise as a member of the Operations Committee, that is responsible for the production of the major pageants and competitions, including the Senior and Junior Calypso Monarch Competitions, Miss Swimsuit Pageant and Mr GQ Contest, National Carnival Queen Pageant, Miss Talented Teen Pageant, and others.
In her new role as Carnival Director, Hazel will report to the National Carnival Committee and Chairman, but will have lead responsibilities to manage the daily activities of the office.
She will also supervise the office staff, assist in coordinating the activities of all sub-committees and will liaise with various other internal and external stakeholder groups, including bands, troupes, contestants, calypsonians, soca artistes and sponsors.
- The Director of Carnival will be a full time employee of the Ministry of Culture.