Issued at: 5pm Monday, 7th June 2021.
Present Weather: Cloudy with haze
Winds: A moderate breeze of 14mph from the east
Temperature: 27°C / 81°F Max Temp: 29°C / 83°F Humidity: 80%
Sea Level Pressure: 1015.9mbs or 30.00″
24hr rainfall at the R.L. Bradshaw Intl. at 2 pm: 7.8mm / 0.307″
Amount of rainfall for the month of June: 18.9mm / 0.74″
Sunrise: Tom 5:36am Sunset: Tom 6:44pm
Weather Forecast Valid until 8 pm Tomorrow.
Winds: East with speeds ranging from 12 to 20mph with gusts to as high as 31mph
mainly over open waters and in elevated areas.
Seas: 1.2 to 2.1metres or 4 to 7feet. A small craft advisory will be in effect tonight and will be downgraded to a caution from tomorrow morning mainly for the northern and eastern side of the Island.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: A mid to upper level trough will continue to supply an abundance of moisture over the area causing sky conditions to be generally cloudy. This trough is also providing some enhancement for shallow
moisture pockets as they interact. However, moisture in the lower levels is decreasing
and so too will the chance of showers as a result. Therefore, skies over St. Kitts and Nevis tonight will be mostly cloudy with a 40 percent or a moderate chance of showers. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy to cloudy with a 40 percent or a moderate chance of showers.