Issued at: 5pm Monday, 19th July 2021.
Present Weather: Partly cloudy with slight dust haze.
Winds: A moderate breeze of 17mph from the East
Temperature: 29°C / 84°F Max Temp: 31°C / 88°F Humidity: 75%
Sea Level Pressure: 1017.7mbs or 30.05″
24hr rainfall at the R.L. Bradshaw Intl. at 2 pm: Nil”
Amount of rainfall for the month of July: 24.4mm / 0.96″
Sunrise: Tom 5:46am Sunset: Tom 6:48pm
Weather Forecast Valid until 8 pm Tomorrow.
Winds: East with speeds ranging from 14 to 20mph with possible gusts to as high as 31mph.
Seas: 0.9 to 1.8metres or 3 to 6feet. Small craft operators should exercise caution mainly on the eastern side of the Island.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Generally settled weather is expected during the next 24 hours. A high pressure system is currently the dominant weather feature and with moisture levels being low, shower activity will be inhibited. Therefore, skies over St. Kitts and Nevis tonight will be partly cloudy with a 20 percent or a slight chance of brief showers. Tomorrow will be partly sunny with a 20 percent or a slight chance of brief showers.