Basseterre: St. Kitts, Monday, August 16th, 2021: Twenty-six (26) students from the 2021 Graduating Class of the Irish Town Primary School were recipients of a monetary gift certificatetotalling over EC $7,000 from Mr. Charles Pemberton Snr. The generous donation was presented on Monday, August 16 during a small but significant ceremony held on the school grounds.
Mr. Charles Pemberton Snr. is the husband of the late Mrs. Florence Elliott Pemberton, an educator for over 30 years, 16 of which she spent molding the minds and building the character ofchildren within the Irish Town School community, before her death in June of this year.
Speaking on behalf of the family, Mr. Pemberton stated, the decision to give back to the school was one way to preserve the memory of his wife.
“Florence was a giving person, she likes to give back and so we thought of one way to memorialize and this way we think is best fitted, by assisting the students here at Irish Town Primaryschool in transitioning into high school”, he said.
Mr. Pemberton noted that the scholarship will be expanded next year to all grades to include kindergarten.
“This year we are giving to grade six. Next year we are going to expand it to all grades, to include Kindergarten, because my wife spent most of her teaching career in Kindergarten,”expressed Mr. Pemberton.
Mr. Pemberton encouraged the graduands to be the best studentsthey can be throughout their secondary school years.
“I want you to go on to high school make Irish Town proud. Respect your teacher, study hard and do not give trouble,” he advised.
Thanks was expressed for the kind donation on behalf of the students and parents of the 2021 class by the school’s Principal Mrs. Avonelle Carey Fraites.