Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. It is with great sadness that the President and Judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) acknowledge the passing of Nancy Anderson O.D. CCJ President, the Hon. Mr Justice Adrian Saunders in particular notes that: “Ms Anderson was an American attorney who practised in Jamaica for many years. She served in several roles during her career including Tutor and Course Director at the Norman Manley Law School, Legal Officer at the Independent Jamaican Council for Human Rights, Executive Director of the Legal Council and Director of the Kingston Legal Aid Clinic. She also appeared before the CCJ in the matter of Shanique Myrie v Barbados, an historic case for the Court in which Ms Myrie asserted that her right to free movement throughout the region had been breached. Nancy was also an indefatigable, courageous fighter for the poor, the marginalised, the powerless; those with little or no voice in the society. She selflessly placed all her legal knowledge and skills to advance those causes. She was also deeply committed to the building up of the institutions and bodies that promoted the human rights of all. She was a wonderful human being and a consistent advocate for human rights, who was honoured by the Organization of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations in July 2021 for her sterling contribution to the organisation and to human rights. On behalf of the Caribbean Court of Justice, I wish to extend heartfelt sympathy to her family and loved ones.”