Dear Tourism Stakeholders,
In recent communication with multiple sun destinations following the emergence of the Omicron variant, representatives of Air Canada Vacations sent the following statement regarding a service suspension to St. Kitts that I share with you below:
The Travel Industry has once again been faced with unforeseeable circumstances and further exasperating this; the Canadian Federal government has reinstated its advisory against non-essential international travel for Canadians.
With this said, Air Canada/Air Canada Vacations have made the decision to cease flying to St. Kitts with the last north-bound scheduled for January 30, 2022.
Air Canada will be working to cancel flights in order of departure dates and appreciates our patience and cooperation.
I want to extend my sincere gratitude to our tourism stakeholders and residents for your incredible efforts in our recovery to date. We remain optimistic for a return to service as soon as possible with our valued partners at Air Canada.