Basseterre, St. Kitts, May 13, 2022: In keeping with his transparent and transformational leadership style and good governance agenda, the Honourable Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris and the Cabinet Secretary Ms. Josephine Huggins met with several civil servants and leaders across the government including the Permanent Secretaries, the Director of Audit and Legal Support Staff. There and then, the Prime Minister introduced Honourable Eugene Hamilton as the new Deputy Prime Minister with additional duties of Public Infrastructure, Posts and Urban Development; Honourable Attorney General Vincent Byron with assigned roles to Foreign Affairs and Aviation, Education, Youth and Sports; Honourable Akilah Byron-Nisbett as the newest Minister of Culture; Honourable Wendy Phipps as Senator with responsibilities for Tourism, Transport and Ports.
After extending much congratulation and appreciation to the Cabinet for assuming additional responsibilities, Dr. Harris also expressed gratitude to the Permanent Secretaries, the Director of Audit and Legal Support Staff for the exceptional duties performed and the sterling contributions made to the development of the Federation. He also encouraged each individual present to remain loyal to service and country. In reminiscing on the successes attained through the handling of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, Honourable Dr. Harris urged the team to embrace comparable energies and the spirit of collaboration, wisdom, and professionalism in ensuring that their daily duties are executed with passion, distinction, and selflessness.