The Coalition of Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) in the Federation commends
the six political leaders in St Kitts and Nevis for their endorsement of the Ethical
Guidelines and Code of Conduct as of June 27, 2022. The signing of the Code of
Conduct offers the right signal for the promotion and practice of ethical behavior during
our election process.
The Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct include recommendations for the
candidates running for office and their associates, the electoral commission, voters, and
the media. For example, candidates are asked to focus on the issues rather than
personalities, avoid defamation of character of their opponents and avoid abusive
language or innuendos. The Electoral Commission should be transparent and impartial,
while inviting independent election observer missions. Voters are encouraged to
exercise their right to vote responsibly and refrain from accepting gifts and/or bribes in
return for a vote. The media are reminded to report the campaigns honestly and
impartially, with equitable access, balanced and fair reporting on all parties vying for
Our Coalition (St. Kitts Christian Council, Nevis Christian Council, St. Kitts Evangelical
Association, Nevis Evangelical Association, St. Kitts and Nevis Bar Association, and the
St. Kitts-Nevis Chamber of Industry and Commerce) is committed to executing its civic
duty in sensitizing and reminding all parties, voters, and media on the Ethical Guidelines
and Code of Conduct for the Political Process signed in June 2022 by the NGO’s and
political parties to encourage a free and fair election process. We will continue to use
our respective platforms to provide information and educate the electorate, the
Candidates the general, and media houses in this regard.