CHARLESTOWN, NEVIS, July 25, 2022 (MMS-SKN) — As part of its year-long 50th Anniversary celebrations, the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union (NCCU) Limited on Friday July 22 set-up shop at the Charlestown’s War Memorial Square from where they served and interacted with their members and prospective members in what was described as ‘Square Fair’.
“The main objective was to reconnect with our members, come out from our offices and come down here where they are and really see them, engage with them, promote our products that we have been offering and kind of get them involved in our 50th Anniversary celebrations,” said Chairperson of Square Fair subcommittee of NCCU’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations, Senior Credit Officer, Mrs Nekisha Warner.
The Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited, which is the oldest in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis having been registered on July 25, 1972, is observing year-long 50th Anniversary celebrations under the theme ‘Consistency, Financial Security & Serving the Community – 50 years of Development and Prosperity’.
NCCU’s Square Fair, which is among the celebratory activities, started at 9:00 a.m. where members of the Square Fair subcommittee interacted with members of the Credit Union and members of the general public from under a tent on the War Memorial Square adjacent to the St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank. Apart from normal banking operations, members were treated to quizzes where attractive prizes were won.
“It was the first time we ever had something of that sort, and it was really exciting,” Mrs Warner pointed out. “I would say it was quite successful. We had quite a number of winners for different stuff based on questions we posed. We also had some persons who are not members with us and they too were able to come, get something, feel good about what they would have won, and they went ahead and signed up immediately because they felt welcomed so warmly.”
Of great interest were loan products on promotion. According to Mrs Warner, these included Summer Festival Loans that close off in September where one would get up to $5,000. Being promoted under the catch line ‘We are Catching Flights, not COVID’, was ‘Vacation Loan’ of up to $20,000 unsecured that is repayable in three years.
“Then there was the Back to School Loan where you can get up to $7,500 to purchase school supplies, uniforms and have your children ready to get back to school,” added Mrs Warner. “Then the big one ‘50 for 50 Anniversary Loan’, offering up to $50,000. This one is for any purpose and one has six years to repay and all the monthly payments are very low. Interest rates are also very low, and we have been encouraging people to come on in.”
Other members of the Square Fair Committee, who were all present, were Ms Charlene Warner, Ms Candice Pinney, Ms Earther Scarborough, Ms Oksana Amory, Ms Jahniel Nisbett, Mr Thorne Browne, Ms Jaedee Caines, Ms Tamara Johnson, Mrs Erica Mills, Ms Ador’n Manners, and Mr Trevor Gill.
Members of the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union Limited family, volunteers and staff, who visited the Square Fair booth included Chairman of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations Committee and Assistant Secretary Mr Carl Tyson, Chairperson of Credit Committee Ms Catherine Forbes, General Manager Mr Sydney Newton, Accounting and Finance Manager Ms Londy Esdaille, and Administration, Member Services and HR Manager Ms Julet Chiverton.
“We had entertainment provided by DJ Gavin ‘Buls’ Wattley and the master of ceremony was Mr Mervin Ross,” said Chairperson Mrs Nekisha Warner. “However our Information and Communication Technology Officer, Mr Kenroy Warner, played a very important role at the Square Fair. He is one of Culturama 48 Soca Monarch finalists in the groovy segment. His stage name is K-Warner and he was our guest artist for today. He honoured us by performing his song ‘Makin Movez’ to kind of build some excitement.”
Joining the Nevis Co-operative Credit Union at the Square Fair was the Insurance Company of the West Indies. According to Mrs Warner, the idea was for the two institutions to collaborate as they serve their members/clients. She noted that the Credit Union offers vehicle loans and mortgages, while the Insurance Company of the West Indies offers insurance.
“With the Insurance Company of the West Indies with us at the Square Fair, anybody who would have come to inquire about vehicle loans and mortgages they would have been able to get a quote on the spot and the different stuff that they would need to know about insurance,” said Mrs Warner. “So we were kind of working hand in hand to help each other to achieve a common goal.”
50th Anniversary Square Fair chairperson concluded: “I would say we accomplished what we wanted to accomplish and it was a great day