BASSETERRE, St Kitts, 19th October, 2022 – The Ministry of Environment is in the first phase of putting an organizational structure in place.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment Sharon Rattan said the main objective of the consultations held on Friday, 7th October and 10th October, respectively, was to look at the Ministry’s structure ranging from the Minister to the Permanent Secretary right down to the departmental structure considering it is a new Ministry.
Derionne Edmeade, Environmental Education Officer in the Department of Environment emphasized that at the end of the day, the desired outcome is to be able to put the Department, and by extension, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Action and Constituency Empowerment in a better position to function, as the officers placed at the Ministerial level will be across sectors.
Edmeade said, “We are looking to see ways in which we can help to strengthen the Department by putting persons in positions that they will better serve the Department across the different sectors. We also looked at positioning the Department of Environment officers at the Ministerial level in certain positions that we think they will be more effective.”
There will be a follow-up meeting to finalize the positioning of employees in preparation for the Budget.