Basseterre, St. Kitts, December 17, 2022 (SKNIS): The establishment of the new Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Aging and Disabilities will significantly enhance programmes and protections for the targeted groups, often considered to be among society’s most vulnerable.
The proposed budgetary allocation of $2.5 million for the Ministry’s operation in 2023, will allow assigned staff to get down to work on several urgent matters such as creating a special needs policy to improve conditions for the differently-abled and drafting an aging policy to enrich seniors lives while enhancing social protection. The staff will also prepare St. Kitts and Nevis’ initial report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as establish a working committee to address the needs of persons with disabilities. Youth in the Federation can look forward to additional training and other related programming geared toward capacity building.
Deputy Prime Minister and the substantive Minister for Youth Empowerment, Ageing and Disabilities, the Honourable Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, noted that he has years of experience dealing with matters relating to the targeted segment of the population. In giving remarks on the Budget Address on December 16, he encouraged the public to familiarize themselves with the important work of the new ministry when it is officially rolled out in early 2023.
“I want to take this opportunity to encourage all citizens and residents to learn more about the role of the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Aging and Disabilities, what assistance it offers and how that assistance can be accessed,” Dr. Hanley stated. “… The services being offered can make a difference in our lives and that of a family member, a neighbour, or a friend. We need to take full advantage of the support and the quality of care that is available through the work of this Ministry.”
The Deputy Prime Minister congratulated Junior Minister responsible for Youth Empowerment, Aging and Disabilities, the Honourable Isalean Phillip, noting that he has full confidence in her ability to bring about the meaningful changes necessary to further empower the nation’s youth and strengthen the capacities of older persons and the differently-abled.