(Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 2, 2023):
In keeping with its mandate to support food producers and transform the agricultural sector in
the twin island federation, the government of St. Kitts and Nevis has sought to resolve the
ongoing agricultural inputs and chemical shortage affecting farmers.
In a brief interview with the Ministry’s Media and Communication Unit on Thursday, 2nd
February 2023, Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Marine
Resources and Cooperatives, Miguel Flemming spoke briefly about these concerns.
“Lately we have been experiencing a number of issues in terms of the supply of input and the
availability of inputs. Because of discussions the ministry has had with farmers we were able
to select and identify the right pesticides and other inputs that are used on their farms to ensure
that they are available for purchase”, he explained.
The Permanent Secretary then revealed that inputs and chemicals will now be reliably available
for farmers by the end of the month.
He said, “The ministry is happy to announce that by the end of this month farmers will be able
to purchase their inputs on a more consistent basis. The ministry is committed to ensuring that
farmers have a seat at the table, so when we are making a decision, that our decision reflects
the concerns of the farmers and that their concerns can really be addressed.”
Farmers will be able to access inputs such as seeds, crop protection chemicals, fertilizers,
herbicides, irrigation tools, animal feed and medication to help achieve the goal of maximising
agricultural productivity and farm profitability.
Permanent Secretary Flemming ended by noting the government’s commitment through the
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Marine Resources and Cooperatives to ensuring that
farmers, fishers and cooperative groups truly benefit as they work to transform the sector.