Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 9, 2023 (Department of Statistics): The Department within the Ministry of Sustainable Development is concluding the field (data collection) activities for the Population and Housing Census 2021. This census is a vital source of information on the current population count and characteristics – including the standard of living, of the residents of St. Kitts and Nevis. Further, the information gathered is essential for proper strategic policy and planning decision-making in areas such as housing, health care and education, and in general to promote the sustainable economic growth and development of our country.
To those persons/households who have already completed the interview, we say a sincere thank you for your cooperation. However, if you have not yet been interviewed, please inform us, and we will plan for your interview to be conducted. Please contact the Department of Statistics at 467-1257 or 467-1188, or visit our office: Upstairs Total Concept Building, Bladen Commercial Development, Basseterre. Everyone counts in the Population and Housing Census. “It’s me, you, us…2021 Census”!