18th March 2023 – The Government of Saint Kitts & Nevis will attend a hybrid workshop in Saint Lucia from 21-22 March 2023, with the ultimate objective of mainstreaming the human security approach in disaster displacement and environmental migration policies in the Eastern Caribbean.
Participants at the workshop will be working to validate preliminary assessments of the extent to which the human security approach is included in national policies on disaster displacement and environmental migration and contribute to recommending ways to achieve greater integration of this people-centred approach. Mr Abdias Samuel, National Disaster Coordinator at the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) will join other technical officers from across the region at this important gathering being held in Saint Lucia.
Recognizing that climate change is causing increasingly severe weather events and that we live in a volcanic and seismically active region, participants will also discuss best practices related to the cross-border movement of people affected by disasters in the OECS. These practices consider how complex hazards threaten the survival, livelihood and dignity of community members, particularly those who are most vulnerable when they are forced to move. Cross-border evacuation protocols will also be discussed to better plan for the possibility of an increase in international movements derived from disasters and the role that the different actors play in accompanying these processes to ensure more effective outcomes for the people affected.
The human security approach goes beyond quick responses and is prevention-oriented. By drilling down to determine the real causes of complex challenges (economic, health, personal, community, and political threats) that might confront people who are displaced internally, or forced to migrate because of disasters, and by building solutions that protect and empower the most vulnerable community, the project aims to systematize solutions through which affected individuals can feel more secure to move on with their lives.
The 21-22 March 2023 workshop will be hosted by the IOM in partnership with the donor – UN Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS). Other contributing stakeholders include the OECS Commission, the UN Resident Coordinator Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Platform for Disaster Displacement (PDD).
For information on IOM and its work in the Eastern Caribbean – call, text or WhatsApp (767) 275-3225 or email malleyne@iom.int
International Organization of Migration / IOM
Established in 1951, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration and is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. IOM is part of the United Nations system, as a related organization. IOM supports migrants across the world, developing effective responses to the shifting dynamics of migration and, as such, is a key source of advice on migration policy and practice. The Organization works in emergency situations, developing the resilience of all people on the move, and particularly those in situations of vulnerability, as well as building capacity within governments to manage all forms and impacts of mobility. The Organization is guided by the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, including upholding human rights for all. Respect for the rights, dignity and well-being of migrants remains paramount.