(MOA Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 6th 2024);
The public is hereby advised of an open call for an opportunity to be a part of the
Advisory Committee on the Implementation of the St. Kitts and Nevis Agricultural
Transformation and Growth Strategy 2022-2031.
The Committee shall meet, and review comments, initiatives and proposals related
to the development of the agricultural sector guided by the St Kitts and Nevis
Agricultural Transformation and Growth Strategy 2022-2031.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee will also oversee the development of
proposals to solicit funding from development partners to complement government
and private sector investment in the St Kitts and Nevis Agricultural Transformation
and Growth Strategy 2022-2031.
The formation of such a committee is in keeping with the guidelines of the strategy
for its implementation.
Interested persons are asked to contact the Ministry of Agriculture via email at
moa@gov.kn or call 869-467-1016.
Application Form: