The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded
Community, Family and Youth Resilience (CFYR) Program supports family
networks, communities, service providers and government agencies to to
implement successful approaches to reduce youth involvement in violence
and increase opportunities for youth in St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and
The Youth Service Eligibility Tool (YSET) interviews will be conducted by
SDB Solutions to help identify potential beneficiaries of the Family Support
Service that will be provided to help identify potential beneficiaries of the
Family Support Service that will be provided with support from the CFYR
Family Support Service activities will be made available in areas of
Basseterre (McKnight, Newtown and The Village), Cayon (Upper and Lower)
and Sandy Point in St. Kitts, and in Bath Village and Rawlins Village in Nevis.
The CFYR Program has received approval from the Federal Government of
St. Kitts and Nevis to work in these communities.
The YSET interviews will commence during August and continue through
September 2017.
For additional information, please contact CFYR at 465 3123 or 767 0707.