The St. Kitts & Nevis (National) Marijuana Commission is hosting a series of town hall meetings throughout the Federation. The purpose of these meetings is to engage (you) the people, share the facts and latest evidence regarding the medical, social and economic implications of marijuana use and ascertain your position on these complex issues.
You are invited to the third Town Hall Meeting scheduled for Wednesday April 18, 2018 at the Cayon Community Cener, Cayon, St. Kitts at 7:00 pm.
We are inviting persons living in the Conaree, Keys & Cayon communities to come out, bring along relatives and friends and be informed about the issues related to the use of marijuana. We are encouraging you to come out and share your views. All are invited to participate in this national debate.
Dr Hazel Laws
Chief Medical Officer &
Chairperson of National Marijuana Commission
Monday April 16, 2018