Officials from the St. Kitts Nevis Defence Force (SKNDF) Coast Guard wish to notify the general public that there will be a Live Gunnery Firing Exercise on Friday 08th June 2018. The Firing Zone is located 13 nautical miles South West of Basseterre.
The Exercise will run from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (1000hrs -1800hrs) in the areas bounded by:
East Position: Lat: 17˚ 08.90 N Long: 062˚ 52.60 W
West Position: Lat: 17˚ 17.30 N Long: 062˚58.50 W
Center Line: Lat: 17˚ 13.30 N Long: 062˚55.50 W
South West Outer Limits: Lat: 17˚10.70 N Long: 063˚10.10 W
South East Outer Limits: Lat: 17˚ 01.70 N Long: 063˚ 05.10 W
All Commercial vessels transiting this area must proceed with caution and stay 10 Nautical miles outside the bounded firing zone during the time and date indicated.
All domestic fishing vessels are to stay clear of this area from 0600 to 1800hrs.